Past Projects

Mid-Infrared Laser Scanning Microscope

This project aimed to enhance system performance through strategic optical configuration. Our mid-IR laser-scanning imager technique significantly expedited the label-free classification of surgical tissue sections. This approach allows for classification within minutes, a stark improvement over the standard hour-long process.

Improved Spatial Resolution Using Decision Theory

Leveraging a decision theory framework, I have shown that the perceived spatial resolution limit can be enhanced by incorporating spectral information. This approach has also been utilized to exhibit an improvement in the detection limits of a representative mid-IR instrument. Through this research, we have provided a pathway for higher precision and efficiency in mid-IR instrumentation.

Chirality Mapping

A refined optical configuration approach has allowed us to demonstrate mid-IR polarization imaging and, for the first time, image site-specific chirality of molecules. Our developed paradigm can elucidate the secondary structures in a sub-mL sample volume of biomolecules such as proteins. The advancements we have achieved in these measurements are significantly faster than the state-of-the-art bulk measurements. Additionally, they provide the first opportunity to visualize the microscale distribution of molecular chirality (patented technology).

Tomographic Hydrogen Density Estimation Using NASA-GUVI Spectroscopic Imager

As a capstone senior design mentor, I led the team to develop and engineer a prototype for an automated controller for a Photometer Array tailored for Tomographic Hydrogen ([H]) Sensing (Capstone Senior Design Award). Furthermore, using advanced statistical methods, I successfully estimated the global structure and dynamics of [H] by analyzing data from NASA's Global Ultraviolet Imager (GUVI). The project sets a new benchmark in utilizing spectrographic images for a more comprehensive understanding of hydrogen density on a global scale.

Scientific Payload Instrument Contributor, RPWI ESA-JUICE & Solar Orbiter Missions

I led key electronics design initiatives for the Radio & Plasma Wave Investigation (RPWI) on the Jupiter Icy moons Explorer (JUICE) and Solar Orbiter (SO) missions. My work included implementing a backplane PCB to limit system-induced noise, designing an LP-preamplifier SoC for sensitive electric field and electron density detection, and conducting automated functional tests on low-frequency receiver electronics. Additionally, I formulated a grounding scheme to enhance Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) across subsystems.

Adaptive Optics in Caltech-AAReST CubeSAT Mission

As the Electronics Lead for the Autonomous Assembly of a Reconfigurable Space Telescope (AAReST) CubeSAT mission, I spearheaded the closed-loop control assembly for a piezoelectric deformable mirror (DM). Through a groundbreaking design of both analog and digital electronics interfaces, we achieved a 10x reduction in footprint, power requirements, and latency for the DMs used in the adaptive optics system. This marked improvement significantly enhances the efficiency and responsiveness of the telescope, pushing the boundaries of what is achievable in CubeSAT missions with adaptive optics.